My Arch repository contains packages I find useful, and some that are in the official Arch repos but that often lag behind their upstream releases.
I currently have repos for x86_64, aarch64, and armv7h, but I don't currently have access to my armv7h box for building, so it is lagging quite a bit behind.
Use the list below to see current packages:
To enable the repository, add it to your /etc/pacman.conf:
... [robison] Server =$arch ...
At this point, you can do a pacman -Syu, install robison-mirrorlist, and replace the above Server line with:
Include = /etc/pacman.d/robison.mirrorlist
I use my GPG key with fingerprint C2C6A1B14CE59D5C9F94D8FC0372B5980F39C0E4 for signing packages. It will expire on Febrary 24, 2028. My previous signing key, which may still have some signatures in the repo (especially for some packages in the ARMv7h tree) had fingerprint 8F32B0118D91B4E4BED4E1991B14AFBDF8CCDDFB and will expire on January 9, 2024. Once you have the repository configured, you can install the robison-keyring package to stay current with my latest signing keys.
Source code for my PKGBUILDs may be found on my GitLab. If you can't find it there, then I've compiled it directly from either the Arch Build System (ABS) or the Arch User Repository (AUR), and the sources can be found there, as there is no reason to duplicate them on my end.